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15 Best HTML5/CSS3 Grid Systems & Frameworks 2023

Traditional design methods just a few years ago meant that you had to design a homepage all by itself, stitching together wireframes and content boxes and then hope for the best. Still, gradually this technique has disappeared and new, more modern, methods of rapid website development have emerged. Most notably, CSS3 introduced Flex-box — an easy to use grid function that you could use to create content layouts, but still — some are resistant. In contrast, others take even more complicated approaches for absolute design precision.

When you open a new website, typically you will see the header part of the site, content area and a sidebar — those main areas also include their own design layouts and specifications. The rabbit hole continues to get deeper. Finding a way to design a homepage (or any other page) layout that would look well across all mediums, devices, and software is crucial. So, we thought it might be useful to the fellow developers that we put together a collection of CSS & HTML frameworks and systems for developing grid layouts.

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Needless to say, these designs are adaptable to any situation, so you can save yourself from having to work out the design layout’s kinks and quirks instead of focusing on fulfilling those grid boxes with the content that you want to put there. There is a great deal of variety and different styles that you’ll find throughout these grid systems, take some time to visit the demo pages and maybe even write down what you’re looking for so you have an easier time to find the matching framework for your needs.

Dead Simple Grid

dead simple grid framework

Grids should never be complicated, in their true essence they’re just HTML elements putting together an overall design, and Vladimir Agafonkin is one of the developers who embraces that concept. His grid framework Dead Simple Grid comes in at only two hundred bytes of CSS code; that is such a minimal amount of code, your pages won’t even notice that it’s there.. You can separate the grid from featuring a main content area, and a flexible sidebar if desired. This kind of a grid would suit blogs and general homepage layouts where minimal design is preferred. Responsive design is integrated thanks to media queries, so the grid will look flawless on any device it uses.


Bourbon Neat

bourbon neat grid framework

Bourbon is a very successful library of mixins for SASS preprocessor. This has made Neat an appealing choice for those who use Bourbon and SASS already. Neat gives developers access to a fluid grid system that’s fast and easy enough to setup in minutes, but flexible to the point where unlimited changes and adjustments wouldn’t become a problem.



grd grid framework

Grd is a CSS grid system that uses Flexbox as the backend tool for creating flexible and modern responsive layouts. Using the Live Demo you can play with the settings and different design customizations to see if Grd could solve your problem of getting a particular design element integrated in your existing workflow. We found it easy to make headers, footers, and general content areas using nothing but a dropdown of settings.


960 Grid System

960 grid system grid framework

Hundreds of thousands of websites have used Nathan Smith’s 960 Grid System to power their design layout. It’s an efficient tool for streamlining the workflow of hard working web developers. By choosing two different column layouts (12 & 16 respectively), developers can quickly bootstrap a homepage that’ll support any kind of dynamic and static input. Adding more columns is possible, but you’ll need to work with the documentation to understand the use more clearly.



unsemantic grid framework

Unsemantic is the follow up version of the 960 grid that provides full responsive design capabilities. Through unique pull classes developers can rearrange the layout of the page they’re producing, which could help to promote and showcase most important content at any given time, a known strategy to help search engines better understand the purpose of each content element. Unsemantic is also a proud user of Media Queries, so established front-end devs won’t have a tough time to customize this grid framework for their own needs.


Simple Grid

simple grid framework

Hence, Simple Grid is for everyone who is after simplicity and ease of use. The layout is responsive, compatible with smartphones, tablets and desktop computers. In other words, your project’s performance will be top-notch without a shadow of a doubt. It is entirely in tune with large screens and higher resolutions, too. Also, Simple Grid is just a grid, without any additional assets, making it very lightweight. With the convenient twelve-column structure, you have the freedom to create the layout exactly your liking. You can divide it into two, three, four or six columns flawlessly.



csswizardry grids framework

With an HTML grid, like csswizardry-grids, you can save yourself time and energy. It is a robust tool you can utilize to your heart’s content precisely. It is user-friendly and easily structured, ensuring web developers of all levels get the most out of it. On the screenshot above, you can peek at all the variations that csswizardry-grids supports. You can freely reorder things, so it matches your desires to a tee. Do your activity by avoiding performing things from the ground up with csswizardry-grids now and start on the right foot.



griddle html5 css3 grid framework

The benefits of using a grid system are tremendous, as not only do you save time, but you also do not need to worry about technicalities. For instance, Griddle ensures complete compatibility with popular devices and web browsers. Meaning, the performance of your application will be first-class at all times. With Griddle, you can bring anything from proportional and nested grids to centered and hybrid units to fruition. As for the latter, with some customization, you can combined fixed and fluid units in one impressive build. You have control over the horizontal centering of the units, and you can even alter the vertical alignment.



gridlex grid framework

Gridlex does stand out because of its stellar design and ease of use. The simplicity of this Flexbox based grid framework is astonishing, the vision is simple — wrap your columns within your grid, and if necessary to any additional adjustments to make your final design look irresistible. Just by looking at the demo’s of websites that use Gridlex it’s evident that this is a top of the line grid system and you won’t be disappointed by what it can do for your own projects and workflow.



gridly grid framework

The developers built Gridly as a minimal grid layout system to support today’s most modern browsers. It’s lightweight structure helps developers to have an easy time for getting a grid/column layout up and running without too much hassle. Overall, the absurdly minimal size of this library will leave you wanting for more for projects to come.



formstone grid framework

Formstone isn’t a single managed grid system by itself, it’s a library for front-end developers who need highly customizable components and web elements that make up a traditional web page that you encounter on daily basis. Being a modular, responsive and automated library — Formstone can be used not only to scale a big-time website project, but also to use the grid layout itself.



bootstrap grid framework

Where would Bootstrap be today if it wasn’t for it’s grid system upon which everything else was built on? We’re still eagerly waiting for Bootstrap 6 to arrive but in the meantime.. you can’t resist saying yes to a framework that has established itself as one of this century’s most prominent front-end frameworks. The features of Bootstrap power millions of websites, yet none of it would be possible if it wasn’t for the grid framework that comes integrated into the core of Bootstrap.



foundation grid framework

Foundation is another successful front-end library that supports responsive design, the latest version (Foundation 6) brings to the table even more modern features and elements that can help developers provide their clients with incredibly versatile designs. The easy to use templates provided by Foundation gives you a chance to take a rest from all this grid development, and instead focus on what’s important — the stuff that you’re going to put within that grid itself.


Responsive Grid System for your Next Project

responsive grid system for your next project or app

Responsive Grid System for your Next Project uses the same classes as 960 grid system. It built to serve mobile visitors first, and provides a boilerplate for header management. The developers tested it will all the modern browsers so you’re in good hands. You can use this as a base grid system to help you build responsive web design. This will maintain your existing proficiency over popular grid system.


HTML5 Boilerplate

html5 boilerplate grid framework

HTML5 Boilerplate is a robust boilerplate framework (template) for front-end developers. It’s for developers who want to kickstart their projects without the hassle of bigger frameworks like Bootstrap or Foundation.

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Alex is a freelance writer with more than 10 years of experience in design, development, and small business. His work has been featured in publications like Entrepreneur, Huffington Post, TheNextWeb, and others. You can find his personal writing at The Divine Indigo.

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